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Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is Survival Swimming?

    • The ability to float and breathe, regardless of the water's depth, for an indefinite period of time.

    • How would your child react alone in the water?

      • The most essential skill we will teach your child is to roll from a face-down position in the water to a face-up independent back float. Infants and toddlers cannot raise their heads to take a breath. If your child falls face down into the water, knowing how to roll into a face-up back float can save a life! If your baby is walking, then he/she can also learn to swim to the pool edge or steps, rolling over to breathe whenever air is needed.

      • Roll over breathing is a technique that many schools and learn-to-swim teachers don't even attempt because it takes time, skill and patience. But once children learn to roll over to float, relax and breathe whenever air is needed, they can truly swim, stay afloat, conquer fear and experience the joy of swimming.

    • Take Control, Not Chances

      • It's not just about being comfortable in the water, it's being able to swim and survive. Empower your child with the skills needed to safely enjoy the water! Discover the Survival Swim of Ascension Difference today!


  • I hear you say your priority is survival skills. Will my child learn to actually swim?

    • Yes. I believe that part of survival for a child who can walk is swimming. Children learn the swim-float-swim sequence so that they could get themselves to safety. The difference in our program is that they will learn swimming AND survival skills as well as how to be an aquatic problem solver.


  • Will my child need additional refresher lessons?

    • Refresher lessons are important because children change so much both developmentally and physically during the first 4-5 years of life. It is important that their water survival skills grow with their bodies. The number of lessons needed depends on the child's age, growth rate, skill level and confidence level. The goal of refresher lessons is to help your child adjust his/her new body size and weight to his/her existing skill level. I will work with your child to help fine-tune his or her aquatic experience to assist with building efficiency, which will result in self-confidence. This is especially important if your child has not been able to practice any appropriate aquatic skill between seasons.


  • Why do you have the children swim in clothes?

    • Because most children who fall in the water do so fully clothed, we want our students to have experience with such a situation. If a child has experienced the sensations of being in the water in clothing prior to an emergency situation, he/she is less likely to experience panic and be able to focus on the task at hand. If you have ever jumped in the water with clothes on, then you know that there is a significant difference in weight and feel with clothes as opposed to a bathing suit.


  • Will my child cry?

    • Many children under the age of 2 years will cry during lessons. At this age, this is how children communicate.


  • What do I bring to lessons?

    • Your child should come dressed in 2-ply diaper protection if necessary. This means one disposable swim diaper as well as a cloth or plastic diaper with elastic on all three openings. Older children should come in a regular swim suit. I recommend bringing two towels to each lesson.

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